Mar 15, 2011 11:07
Saturday was the first big milestone of my marathon training plan: a long run of 14.5k (previous to that, every run in the plan was a distance I'd run last fall).
Although the weather mid-week looked promising, Friday was all heavy winds and blizzard watches. Saturday settled down but it was cold (for outdoor running), around -15 with a bit of wind. Not bad for a 5k run, but I was expecting 14.5 to take my 1:40 or more. However, the terrible alternative was running indoors at the U of M, which would have been 63 laps of the into track. Round and round and round. I opted to brave the cold :P
I planned the run to be a 6.5k loop and then an 8k, in case I had to take a bathroom break part-way through (not uncommon on my longer runs). This turned out to be a good plan because despite my usual winter running getup of tights + wind points my, uh, delicate areas were beginning to get chilly after 6.5. So I popped into the house and pulled on a pair of shorts.
My time was 1:44. Not too bad, and I was slowed by having to wait at lights and also the sidewalks were in pretty rough shape in St. Boniface.
My left knee was a little sore after, and the next day, but not a sharp pain. So I think it was just my body not being used to the distance.
One funny thing: I brought a water bottle full of Gatorade with me and shortly into the 8k loop the mouthpiece froze shut. By the end of the run, the Gatorade had turned into a slushie.
The next long run is this Saturday, 16k. Now that I've done the 14.5, 16 is much less intimidating. And hopefully the weather will be nicer too!