Mood Icons (Where I got mine) and credits to the people's that deserve them

Oct 01, 2006 06:03

Back dated: actually posted this on the 16th of this month and year

I went to several places, in and off, LJ looking for something I liked (after upgrading to paid user) and suited my own ever-changing moods. The basic stuff while great for an LJ account in it's early stage was getting kind of annoying after 4 years. Found several great mood Icons at animegamesmoods, which in turn lead me to evilgrins main journal and the link to his own community i_be_moody.

What I'm using right now is titled "Fighter's Edge". I (first) saved all the images to my own files, (then)uploaded them to my photobucket account, and (finally) transfered each to LJ's custom mood editor. I'll, probably, make some changes on my own as my mood suits, and find some images elsewhere for the moods that weren't included among the images I saved; But, the Credits for all mood images (as of Oct 16th, 2006) go to evilgrins and can be located at animegamesmoods, but you can find more of his mood icon's at i_be_moody.

links, mood icons, credits, lj stuff

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