Questionairre meme, nabbed from themegster

Jun 30, 2006 03:09

Fill this out about your SENIOR year of high school! The longer ago it was, the more fun the answers will be.

1. Who was your best friend?
Jason A. Spivey, for Lj-er's that would be argo_not. Unfortunately, we attended different high schools.

2. What sports did you play?
Sports!? Frisbee, Nightime flashlight tag, out door endurance hiking, Long walks, early morning jogging, and swimmimg at the pool.

3. What kind of car did you drive?
Failed driver's ed... didnt get a car til a year after I got my license which wasn't until I was 25 and well out of highschool.

4. It's Friday night, where were you at?
Either at work sacking groceries for the local "Apple Tree" store, or playing tag in the woods out back.

5. Were you a party animal?
I got drunk and sick on 132 sample bottles of scope at the Marriot hotel (in down town Austin) during a Catholic Youth group weekend... I went to a friends co-ed sleep over birthday and spent six hours of the wee AM walking and talking with a very beautiful little Puertorican girl (whom for the life of me can not remember her name)... I rode a 3 speed bicycle from Austin to Georgetown and back in a day, with a freind on a whim...

but, no I wasn't really a party animal.

6. Were you considered a flirt?
It depends on whose asking. Mostly I was too shy and if a girl thought I was flirting, It was more likely that I really was just not thinking about it, yet.

7. Ever skip school?
Nope, but I did sleep througha couple classes.

9. Were you a nerd?
I liked to think of myself as a loner with no style or class. The only niche' I seemed to fall under was "Artist", though I did spend alot of time with the Drama club.

10. Did you get suspended/expelled?
nope, but I failed a class or two and barely squeeked by with a diploma for sleeping in class.

11. Can you sing the Alma Mater?
There was an Alma Mater!?

12. Who was your favorite teacher?
Mrs. Willars - My physics teacher, Mrs. Rutt - My art teacher, and Mrs. ??? (don't remember her name) - my study hall teacher who was only 4or 5 years older then me and had been a cheerleader at the very same school.... mmm... Linoleum...

13. Favorite class?
Art IV... I slept through my entire last semester, was told I needed to give Mrs. Rutt something to grade two weeks before the end or fail, I used charcoal and chalk on a grey paper to redraw a section of one of Albrecht Durer's more complex Lithographs. For my only grade that entire semester, I was happy to have gotten alot of sleep and still manage a 98 (minus 2 points for lack of effort).

14. What was your school's full name?
L.C. Anderson High School

15. School mascot?
lol... A Trojan

16. Did you go to Prom?

17. If you could go back and do it over, would you?
Do I get to remember, everything I know now!? If so, I remember about three or four crushes, I'd love to woo at that time period. If not, not really!

18. What do you remember most about graduation?
Waiting in line, being very bored, imagining the hot girls naked under their robes, Wondering if the Navy would be any better, possibly sleeping alittle when we were finally able to sit.

19. Favorite memory of your Senior Year?
3 memories, actually, come to mind: a) Kim P. (my art class crush) acknowledging that I was a wonderful artist, b) Jessica M. (my #1 crush) spoke to me directly in query to a very embarrassing outburst from me, in which I was able to reply with an almost straight face and very severe blush "You bring out the wild in me!", and c) Wondering why Evelen G. (just a friend) wrote "We should've dated. I think you'd have been wonderful!" In my yearbook.

20. Were you ever posted up on the senior wall?
Uhm... what wall!? Is that anything like having your artwork published in the class newspaper? Which did happen.

21. did you have a job your senior year?
Grocery Sacker at Randalls, Part time job (20 hours a week after school and some weekends) @ $3.80/Hour.

22. Who did you date?
No one, but I did get to Dance with a very beautiful girl at a CYO (Catholic Youth Organization) Sock Hop. Her name was Marsa, and she made it easy by being bolder then I and initiating 1st contact.

23. Where did you go most often for lunch?
A variety of places: I played poker and gin in the lunchroom a few times, sat with the goth's and drama hounds in the courtyard, slept in the Art studio, or Matched wits in the lab with Chris D. (a friend) who was a study aide for one of the chemistry teachers.

side note: Chris D. graduated the same year as me and a few years later married my highschool crush #2, whom apparently was his HS crush #1... go figure!

24. Have you gained weight since then?
Let's see I was 17 yrs. old, 6'5", 155 lbs., and had 29" waist... and I'm now 34 years old, 6'7", 205-210 lbs., and have a 36" waist. Possibly, yes!

25. What did you do after graduation?
Slept, worked, jogged 3 miles every morning, and went to boot camp early that November.

26. When did you graduate?

and, hidden at the bottom behind a cut for something else, just to see if anyone's really paying attention... nabbed from sasha_chell

'What will your obituary say?' at


high school, meme, questionairre

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