Jul 27, 2010 10:08
So, a 22yo is flirting with me. Hitting on me? Seducing me? I really don't know what to do with this. It's not the first time since moving to Colorado. Boulder is saturated with college-aged personages, and there are only so many gay men here, so I'm just on the list? Or there really are that many college students with "older brother" fantasies? Or I'm full-on into the daddy fantasy realm and I just need to embrace my inner DILF?
I am not aware of any 18yos yet, but there have been multiple instances of every age in the 19-23 range. Mostly just wanting sex, but this particular one seems to want -- idk? To get to know me? I had to explain to him what evite was (an invitation-management website that predates Facebook). Don't get me started on Beebe's Bathysphere.
I guess there are worse problems to have, but I can't help wishing I could have a date with someone closer to my own age. I don't even have late-20s guys hitting on me anymore. I have completely renovated my OKCupid profile so that an entirely new group of people can ignore it.