Reducing my tagging infrastructure & nostalgia

Mar 24, 2009 12:47

I spent some time this morning re-tagging LJ posts -- basically searching for tags I had only used once, and then (in most cases) re-tagging those posts with tags that were a little more general. Instead of posts tagged with individual movie titles, I'm moving toward posts tagged with "movies," for example. Depending on the LJ layout one uses, it can take a lot of screen to load the tag cloud before you get to my posts on one's mobile device. Or so I'm told. :p

Anyway, I went from 377 tags to 307 tags this morning. And I'm very much not done -- there are still oodles of tags that could be consolidated.

In the course of doing this, I obviously skimmed a number of old posts. It was funny to see how different my writing has been over the years, and the comment trends as well. I found comments from people who've deleted their accounts, or just don't seem to use LJ anymore, and had little pangs of missing them and the incisive/witty/whatever tidbits they provided.


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