There are a number of Obama supporters on my flist who claim to be impartially posting good & bad news about both of the remaining Democratic candidates.
Not a one of these people has had anything good to say about Hillary Clinton today -- unless it was a throwaway comment to 'establish impartiality' before going on to trash her (or her staff or her campaign). "I'm not a Hillary-hater, but...."
A library patron who starts a sentence with "I don't believe in censorship, but..." actually does believe in censorship; they just don't like to think of themselves as being in favor of censorship. "I don't believe in censorship, but Babe 2: Pig in the City has no business being in the children's section due to the prevalence of dark imagery in this movie." Actual complaint by an actual library patron, by the way.
Anyway, I'm not sure what I expected. People turn to blogging to vent, and not to be considerate of others or even necessarily consistent with their own view of self. I didn't hope that any particular person would be congratulatory toward their non-preferred candidate, although it is disappointing that everyone has chosen to be so negative. (For what it's worth, a lot of HRC's supporters have also expressed their feelings today in very negative terms, which is equally disappointing.)
From a cup half full perspective, I'm glad that more voters will get to participate in the process, and I'm glad that we have a field of candidates that so many voters so earnestly think are worth consideration. If we really wanted to vote for things like hope, wouldn't a field of viable candidates be a desired outcome every time? This is what the shiny-eyed hope-filled people should want: voter participation and viable candidates.
Finally, stop going on about who can beat John McCain. My mom could beat John McCain, and she was secretary of her housing association for only two years. The only thing that John McCain can beat is a Democratic party that can't figure out its ass from a hole in the ground, which, indeed, may yet come to pass.
I've not yet seen Babe 2: Pig in the City, but if I saw it it would be just to show it to some children to spite that library patron. And, yes, it's exactly that sort of Babe-watching that will put John McCain in the White House.