Dec 01, 2003 08:41
My heart is racing. I haven't had coffee yet this morning. Often by now I would have had two cups. This was not a conscious decision. I just....mildly overslept, so I missed the cup at home. And that made me later (but not too late) getting downtown for the shuttle, so I missed the potential second cup at Starbucks. I'm a little wired and running around the office being hyper-productive. I only got....four hours of being horizontal....very little of it sleep....I ended up doing homework for pretty much all of my waking hours yesterday (minus procrastination devices) so I ended up "doing homework" in my sleep. Thankfully, the horror-dreams of doing homework were somewhat broken up by dreams that I was reading people's LiveJournals. Let me tell you, there are some really f***ed up LifeJournals in slumberland. I'm like, wouldn't you just quit your job and move to Portland if you were that dissatisfied with the ***rewarding*** life of litigation?!?! Yelling at LiveJournal entries doesn't work, though -- you have to type into the little boxes for the system to work. (At least, at my level of sophistication.) Thank [insert deity here] it was just a dream....
The coffee shop at work opens (opened) at 8:30 so I'd better cut this short before a mood swing arrives like the crack of a whip and someone gets hurt. Set orchestra to "stun," maestro! I miss pits. Pits were fun. Art is more rewarding than men because if you put more effort in an art project, it generally is a better product -- we cannot say the same thing for men, sadly. More effort => bigger disappointment. I think there was some follow up to that where I recanted that position but I've lost that slip of paper somewhere. : )
He never asked, "Did I cause your distress"
Just in case they said, "Yes..."