The hottie sales engineer wrote to the product management department listserv:
I highly recommend the book "Beyond Bullet Points" for some radical, but very useful, PPT design information. You can read it in a few hours. Many [excellent] points are made in this book.
This led my boss to buy a copy of the book for our department. One of my colleagues (Ted) promptly grabbed and then went away to the NASIG conference, figuring he would read it on the plane, thus depriving the department of the book for several days during the week and a half period when we're all preparing dozens of presentations for the users group conference. My boss is thoroughly exasperated with him and asked if one of us could go buy another copy. I agreed to be the "away team" for this mission, and on my return, sent out another note:
Gentle readers,
Since Ted ran away with* our first copy of this book, I've bought another copy for the department. It's at my desk right now.
I also bought Tufte's "The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint" for myself, but others are welcome to borrow it.
Bookmobile Librarian
*I'm sure that copy 1 was clearly marked as "OVERNIGHT LOAN ONLY"....