At some point this week, my flist passed the 300 mark, which sort of shocks me. (Although there are slight discrepancies between "who I'm reading" and "who is reading me," both are over 300 if we count the "also a friend of" section that I've set not to display on my userinfo page.) I've generally added anyone who added me, excepting only the underage, the super-anonymous, and those with more robust bouquets of emotional problems. (1) It just sort of grew. I never owned this many Smurfs, let me tell you. (2)
Since I originally posted it 10 months ago, I have kept my gallery of userpics-that-are-selfpics more or less up to date (see post here: ). I don't change the pics when people change out what userpics they have in play, but I do add and subtract people from the gallery as I add or subtract them from my flist. It's a sort of work of art made with found objects.
Having likened my flist to little blue people and found objects, I'll now go off in search of coffee. : )
(1) I've removed people for various reasons as well, but that's another story.
(2) Though the gender demographics aren't that far off, I suppose.