Oct 30, 2005 16:43
horse show weekend woot!
for once i am actually really pleased with how i did in the horse show. even if i didn't place like 1st in anything..i tired a lot of shit that aparently many A's are to chicken to do ..like ride bareback. on friday i got 2nd and qualified for the senior championship woot woot. during jumping i failed but webster was being a shit face and like poping the jumps..when i know he can jump for real. i wound up getting 6th out of like 12 or 14 which i think is pretty good.
during the championship i almost ran over the judge woops. junior wouldn't move to much but ugh i wish he made us drop stirups like the last group because i would have ruled that with junior. yea i wanted to do that crazy shit that the huge class had to do like lead changes, switch horses, dismount, no stirups and all that.
next show i am so trying ot get my AA.