Jul 26, 2005 21:52
hmmmmm...so today was fun, i went to Hannah Bernsteins house and Jackie came over and we went swimming and then we went to The Counter and Hannah saw some really "hott" (he wasnt.) guy and she had me write her number all sexy-ish on a napkin and her name and as we were leaving she totally dropped it on his lap and he gave her the WIERDEST look like "who the hell are you and what the hell are you doing?" hahahahha I laughed for like a million years.
I am trying feverishly to finish my zine and i just never actually sit down to work on it, its more like im sitting in bed at like 1 in the morning and I get an idea for a piece and i decide to whip out my handy dandy notebook and write.....
I miss Hayley. So much it hurts...I wrote this really really good story about last summer (for those of you who know..) and I just really really want her home.
I need some random hookups bitches, im bored. hahhahahahahahahaha
aaaand for some reason im really depressed, i dont really know why, i dont have a reason (other than hayley) and I guess me listening to really sad music helps a lot but i dont know, im just thinking of some things. I miss a lot of people and a lot of things I used to do.
maybe i'll post some of the stories for my zine in here and see what you think, i know I have to post the one about last summer for leah, but maybe i'll just email it to her. BLAH.
oh look what you've done, you've made a fool of everyone.