For starters, if I hear the phrase "Kissed by fire" once more, I'm going to punch ADWD in the face. I don't know exactly where its face is, but I assume it's somewhere on the front cover. We know they have the word red in their vocabulary, and it seems like every guy with red hair in these books is noted as having, oddly enough, red hair, but for
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Even him that creates every POV character can't expect to bond the same with new characters that will disappear in the next page-turn, and WE surely can't. Starks may be nearly extinct but they are our heroes.
Also I find there is a very boring list of powerful women, I mean when all women are powerful, influencing and daring you just forget what a damisel was. That's how Sansa finally grew inside me, when I first though her stupid.
And yes, he needs serious editing. You know all this information that writers are supposed to keep dutifully in archives so as they can retrieve any minor detail about every character in their books? I think at some point GRRM decided to go on and publish it all, thickenning endlessly a fine line of true plot evolution. That's how we know everyone's cousin, every marriage and miscarriege and every superficial event that happenned to this and this character while they were in their childhood.
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