Sigh…..I know. I’ve been away. Family duties you know. I also think I have caught a little Blackhawk’s fever, watching more hockey this year, than the rest of my life combined. Sure I’m a total bandwagon hockey fan, but the buzz is infectious. It’s just every time I come back and think about The Great Waffler, I become depressed. Let’s travel off the reservation for a couple of paragraphs before I become irritated.
First a quick tribute to my guy Frank:
Rest in Peace O’ Mighty One, rest in peace.
Side note: A live action movie of the Frazetta / Bakshi animated classic Fire and Ice is in the works. See look, a Fire and Ice title that is actually being worked on.
For a while, I left our favorite realm of fantasy to delve into a little World War II historical fiction. The latest series by Jeff Shaara involving WWII is overall pretty interesting and satisfying so far. So many things I did not know about or forgot about when I was forced to read those totally Western cultured biased hippie books they crammed down our throats in high school. Maybe I can make my kids school start to carry those new Texas right-winger textbooks. Really I don’t give a fuck as long as my kids can read, write and do some advanced math by the time they graduate. But overall those skills are secondary compared to knowing how to efficiently break fingers or shake down politicians. But seriously, how much ass did Rommel kick? I mean, if that guy was healthy and properly supplied, kielbasa would be the national dish of France and all my lady friends would dress with that classic St. Pauli Girl look (which would not be a bad thing at all). I have been on such a WWII kick I watched all of Band of Brothers on a rainy memorial day, (sorry kids, no park, it’s raining) and I also watched the movie Downfall about Hitler’s last days. Absolutely fabulous. But enough about WWII.
I have bought the last Ambercombie book in the First Law series, so I’ll be right back into the world of fantasy soon. I was also caught up in a couple of season finales in particular Lost, which ironically lost me in the process. Sure it was well done, good acting etc, but literally pulling a plug on humanity didn’t do it for me. And then to re-plug the island making everything okay was just too much of a cop-out for me. But what can you do, right? It’s done, unlike our blog topic…no no too soon. Easy Pesci, let’s try to be enjoyable. I know some of you have been watching the Legend of the Seeker and I have to say, the approach to add extra cleavage and even tighter leather outfits this year was a very good choice. Bethell and Regan may be the two hottest women on any TV show. Keep up the good work girls.
I always makes my feel better thinking about Mord Sith red leather. I think I can move on now.
So Ulysses S. Can’t recently went on a road trip and obviously got nothing done of note, other than breaking the pancake eating record at Shecky’s Eatery and Ammo Shop in po-dunk Kansas. More crap for sale of course. Hey, how about you put your material out for public domain and we can finish the books for ya? Sounds good buddy? We finish it, you can have all profits. Easy money. I’m sure you are into the whole vogue euro-socialist thing, so this should be right up your alley. Let me know Comrade and I will head up the effort. We promise plenty of nipple twisting.
Ray already mentioned the new Wildcards monkey crap Whorezan, Lord of the Bungle has sent out to the publisher, but he failed to give credit to Jo Jo one of the monkey typists we talked about in a previous post. Keep up the good work little buddy.
Seriously, just come out and say you’re done. We can all go one our way and you can lay around your house rubbed down in pork fat and covered with Cheetos. Rare footage of George's work space:
Finally, yes we have it. The rumor is true; we have exclusive footage of one of the worker trolls that has escaped from the depths of Jiggle's dungeons. The poor little fella is going through fast food withdrawal. The only scraps he was allowed to eat as he typed out the next Wildcard edition was either beard chow or he would lick the empty fast food wrappers and boxes left in the basement. Occasionally he would find a fry at the bottom of the bag, but that only makes you crave it more. Good luck Johnny, we wish you the best.
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On a side note: For those gamers who read this website, I just finished Dragon Age on the 360. What a freaking marathon. Now I can start paying attention to this blog again and my kids. Peace.