Have You Seen This Pumpkin???
This pumpkin was last seen as it was set out in front of Gremlin's house at about 5:45 on October 31. It was seated between a pumpkin that looked like Spawn, and a pumpkin that represented the Eye or Sauron. It was less than 24 hours old, and new to the world.
Approximately 45 minutes after Mr. Pirate Pumpkin was placed outside (behind a gate - not locked) it was noticed that one of the pumpkins was missing. Upon further inspection, It was noted that it was Mr. PirateP that had disappeared, although the Spawn Pumpkin had replaced it's spot in the row.
Could fowl play be afoot? We don't know. We've interogated Spawn Pumpkin endlessly, but he refuses to answer our questions (possibly because he has no mouth... and then he went missing days later himself).
Anyone with information as to the where abouts of this pumpkin should add a comment immediately. Thank you for your help in this matter.