I've been writing this little by little for the past couple of weeks so that I didn't forget what I went through while I was in ICU. I'm sure there are a ton of things I missed but I wrote down what I could. I'm also the worlds worst writer and horrible at making coherant thoughts at times so you don't have to read it.
Very long story )
I remember being in the ER and this asshole doctor telling me "You can never have more kids" I almost lost it then. I mean honestly. What a freakin JERK to say that THEN, you know? I think that's why I fought so hard to keep breastfeeding. It kept me going. I had Mairi in the hospital the whole time I was there, I was so lucky...people from my church took shifts staying with me, so that mairi could be there (an adult had to be present at all times, in case i took a turn for the worse)
It's so horrible. Why do we have to go thru this? It is NOT fair. it really isn't. it SUCKS. here it 8mths later and i still am getting so exhausted doing NOTHING. I am only 25. It's not supposed to be this way.
I figure it this way, we are REALLY REALLY strong women to go thru this. I don't think many are as strong as us. This is truly a huge burden to bear.
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