Life as a Pescatarian...

Apr 28, 2007 17:39

Claire and I are "masquerading" as pescatarians (fish and veg only, no meat <-- we're lesbians, it was bound to happen at some degree) at work so we get better dinners (fish) as opposed to week-old grey meat tough as shoe leather or sausages left over from breakfast everyfucking evening. I like meat, I do, but I'm not a lion or summat' (something - I am WELL ENGLISH LIKE now) and need 40kgs of it everyday to survive. And besides, most of the time it wasn't that nice. However, now, pescatarianism means that I get fish with whatever (veggies, mash, chips) as a meat-replacement or, on the crap days, I get soup.

The masquerading as fish-eaters is going quite well as we are completely lying about it (the head chef - Scott - knows and accepts Claire and I are just being fussy bitches) and eat meat on our days off (last week with Scott at the pub) and when we do breakfast and there is leftover bacon and sausages and black pudding (which, to my own suprise, I am quite fond of. Be quiet, I know what it is).

Island life is going well. Being one of four "New World" (Australia and NZ) members of the island, I woke up at 5:00am on Wednesday morning and met up with Abby (Australian) and Dave (NZ) to commemorate the ANZACS. We met on Porthcressa beach (around the corner from our flat) and sat and didn't talk about war or the ANZACS much but it was still nice, I think, to watch the day break. It was windy as sin and so a little after six we left for the comfort of our warm houses.

The practice of schmoozing is still with me. What with being behind the bar and being the member of staff responsible for getting you pissed and happy and all. So far, a ten pound tip (we pool them together so I'll get it back eventually) and a job offer with a brewing company (St. Austell's) have been the greater results. The most important schmoozes are with the locals - ie; boatmen (Claire and I have done that and are hopefully in a position where we won't ever have to pay for any boat trips amongst the islands) and store-owners (working on it). I have given up making good with the "Duchy of Cornwall" ie; people who work under Prince Charles sorting out his properties and...shit - some of them are okay and normal but the one that frequents the bar is a moron and his wife is the source of such golden nuggets as "(about the hotel's outside garden) This is just so civilized isn't it? It's like an extension of our own home". Women who lunch are also quite annoying; "(about her daughter at university) I'm glad she didn't go to the university that first offered was located in a neighbourhood that was *winces* URBAN". Just as annoying are people (mostly shitty hotel guests) who buy drinks and JUST. SIT. THERE (with their respective partners sitting beside them), as well as people who buy drinks and JUST SIT THERE FOR AGES. This goes the same for tea drinkers.

The locals are alright...I don't want to get stuck into them just now but let's just say "poles up arses" and I don't mean the gay Polish community. But still, there are the nicer ones who always have time for a wave and a smile.

Speaking of gay. Claire and I have come across "The only gay in the village" (apart from us). How nice it is to be around a flaming queen again! He manages the Atlantic - the pub we frequent. We're going to try and make friends to get some queerness back into our lives otherwise we will just OD on it in London.

Yes. London's calling. On July the 26th, Claire and I will sojourn to London and meet my parents HOORAY! I am excited and will talk about anything even remotely about London or going to London to anyone (like trains to London) who mentions London, London, London. I am busy preparing a "To Do" in London with my parents - so far it's someplace nice for dinner and a musical (possibly Billy Elliot or Sound of Music). After that (when my parents go back to their hotel room), it's time for much London gaying-it-up. Then Dim Sum on Sunday. Don't care what else we do just as long as we have a decent meal. Haven't had a decent meal here yet (although tonight's fish and rice was brilliant).

(Shit, I'm going to miss Dr. Who)

Mm. Am currently on iTunes deciding whether to buy the new Arctic Monkeys or not. Hmm. (It is only 7.99!). I think I will leave it for now. I only listen to less than five of their songs from the first album.

Any suggestions on what music/songs to download? I will not accept the following;
- Girls Aloud
- Razorlight (I don't care that Kirsten Dunst is your biatch)
- Mika (can, on command, drop bollocks during a song)
- James Blunt (on the "Going Down" list in the Guardian Magazine, is apparently turning into ginger-man Mick Hucknall)

But I will accept (some) Australian artists (but not Peter Andre, who has his own reality TV show here - augh, didn't we deport you in 1995??).

Hum. Think I should end it here. It's been quite a post. Here's me skimming rocks in Penzance. I am throwing them at the pirate ships (off camera....and make-believe).

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