Dream Time...AGain!

Jan 16, 2007 06:41

Yet another strange dream for your perusal!

A strange dream that I can't really say where it began. I know it involved two women going to an old ghost mining town that had mostly burned down way back in the old days and was supposedly haunted. The twist? Both women were detectives, and at least one of them was a witch.
They had gone to a partialy burned down old hotel where a caretaker of some sort was still living, and talked about what had gone on. The ladies both went to the remains of one of the rooms that had been preserved, including partialy burned pictures. When the witch touched one of the burned pictures, showing a bunch of children standing in front of a single room school, she suddenly felt a very strong pull and the sound of those children screaming.
So they went, and the scene shifted to I guess was me, entering the same hotel some time later, asking about the two ladies, and looking into the same room. I came across the same picture and felt the same thing they did, but felt an immense evil attached to it. I suddenly became concerned and said a few things not apporpriate for TV, and hailed off after them.
The scene shifted again, and show the two ladies at an old mine entrance. The unmagical one stayed outside near the entrance while the witch had gone down in side, and both could suddenly hear the screams of all the children, as if they were still alive and suffering in a fire. Concerned, the witch went deeper into the tunnel, which sloped downwards deep into the ground. She made it a short distance in before flames appeared in the darkness, roiling and bright, climbing the tunnel towards the witch with the sounds of the screaming children growing in pitch and volume with every leap of the flames.
The witch quickly started to retreat, flames licking at her heels, barely making it to the entrance as the flames shot out and into the sky, finaly dying back down into the tunnel with the screams still loud and in pain. At this point the witch started using her magic, forcing the flames back and down and eventually out, but taking a lot of effort to do so. Once she had beaten the flames back until they looked to be out, the children could still be heard whimpering and moaning, but no longer screaming....

And that's when I woke up. It was just a little to freaky for me to go back to sleep, so here I am up an hour ealier than I normaly am before work. :)

And that's all. Have a good day!
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