The Dream land

Dec 29, 2006 15:25

Well, I've been having strange dreams of late..(strange to me, at least). Strange enough I want to share them. So, from now on, since I have twenty minutes in the morning before work, if I have a strange dream I'll write down the details of it behind a cut.
I know this sounds odd, but I've had more than one dream I'd love to turn into a story, but because I had to go to work, it became too fuzzy over the day to be of any use. That, and amuse other people with the things my brain comes up with.

Now on to other things. The holidays have been...boring. But that could be a good thing, as boring is much better than bad or horrible. I put a present to myself on layaway, that will be both my Xmas and Birthday present. I'll give more on that later, once I get it. :) Went to the Aquarium for christmas, since they were open and it was something to do. The rest of the weekend I was even lazier than usual. :) Anyways, hope you all have a great new year, and let it be the start of something grand. /!cheerfulness
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