NIGHTFLYERS Re-release Scheduled

Jan 18, 2018 14:55

With SyFy's new NIGHTFLYERS television series fully cast and deeps in the throes of pre-production, I am pleased to say that my original novella will be returning as well. In several forms ( Read more... )

tor, short stories, nightflyers

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A Bit of A Question ext_4480885 January 18 2018, 22:07:27 UTC

I've been meaning to read up on the Thousands World Stories (I read one of them and it really connected with me).

Are all the Thousand World stories and novellas collected in Dreamsongs? If not, do you happen to now off the top of your head where I could find the ones that aren't in it while still supporting you?


Re: A Bit of A Question werthead January 19 2018, 00:02:47 UTC
This bibliography may be helpful:

I have listed what stories are Thousand Worlds (TW) and which are not, although there's a few which I think are ambiguous. I think roughly half of George's short fiction is in Dreamsongs and roughly half is not. Could be scope for a Dreamsongs II one day?


Re: A Bit of A Question ext_4195417 January 19 2018, 01:40:24 UTC
First at all, I congratulate you for that work, Adam. I would say that The Runners and Warship are also set in TW, as I've read them recently and both mentions common locations. Maybe you could at it if you agree with me


Re: A Bit of A Question werthead January 19 2018, 20:14:21 UTC
Excellent. Amended.


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Re: A Bit of A Question ext_2587046 January 19 2018, 19:19:46 UTC
I suspect the poster is referring to the Dreamsongs 2006 Hardcover edition, which is a single volume (and is out-of-print).


Re: A Bit of A Question werthead January 19 2018, 20:11:16 UTC
It's just Dreamsongs, Part 2.

Although, entertainingly, the original anthology The Hedge Knight was in was called Legends. When that was split in half, the two halves were called Legends and Legends II. Then a second, whole new anthology called Legends II was released. It was also split in half, with the two halves now called Legends II and Legends II II. Working out what story was in what paperback was fun.

Gardener Dozois is planning a new Legends anthology (which I think is just going to be called Legends again), just to resurrect the phenomenon.


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