Cleaning Out the Lockers

Dec 30, 2012 17:50

Well, the NFL season is over. My NFL season, anyway ( Read more... )


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Comments 26

ladybug679 December 31 2012, 00:55:09 UTC
You COULD send out "Crush Dallas" vibes tonight!! :D and avoid having to worry about them post-season...


Brady vs Manning ext_1399228 December 31 2012, 01:04:26 UTC
As a Bills fan I have nothing to cheer for, except hopefully another January classic featuring Tom Brady vs Peyton Manning. And of course I'll be rooting against Evil Bill and Tom "Boy-toy" Brady.

Good luck with your seven day work weeks George, drink lots of coffee! :)


The Sun Will Come Up Tomorrow torome86 December 31 2012, 01:23:18 UTC
Dear George,
I have given a few taunts and eaten some humble pie; it's all in a days work for a fan of the NFL(even a Patriots fan, we are spoiled for the most part). On Feb 4 however, we are all undefeated again.

On another note, I remember that for us Red Sox fans, it wasn't until Stephen King finished his Dark Tower series that we won the World Series, so I was thinking that perhaps in order for the Jets to win a Superbowl you may have to finish ASoIaF, just a hypothesis...


xraytheenforcer December 31 2012, 01:31:45 UTC
That Jets game was fucking awful; even the Schadenfreude of watching them getting kicked up and down the field did not redeem it. I mean, I switch over from the Giants game to see Sanchez...lob a pick-six, like clockwork.

For my own team, I just don't have faith that the Niners can pull it out. Both AS and CK are not quite solid enough at QB to go the distance (although I said similar things about the SF Giants and especially their pitching staff, and look what happened in October). I fear that they'll be one and done in the playoffs. :\


NFL space_geek_ken December 31 2012, 01:31:51 UTC
Even if the Redskins beat the Cowboys (which I consider likely), I'd appreciate any cheers you can spare for the Seahawks.

Russell Wilson would've been a lock for Offensive Rookie of the Year in any season that didn't ALSO have Robert Griffin III in it.

26 passing TDs, 10 INTs, 3 Rushing TDs, and he may have broken a season passer rating of 100.

RGIII has fewer TDs by a smidge, fewer INTs by a lot more, and (as I'm writing this) a 6 point difference in passer rating, and about 15% more yards.

I think we're seeing a new Golden Age for quarterbacking in the NFL - which should give you some hope when it comes to replacing Sanchez.

Think the Jets might trade for Matt Flynn?


Re: NFL ext_1459302 December 31 2012, 07:14:51 UTC
Agreed! Go Seahawks!


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