Life is STILL Magical...

Jan 08, 2012 22:48

... this week, at least.

A great weekend of playoff football. The Saturday games... well, there was certainly a lot of scoring. A little frustrating for those old school guys like me who like a bit of defense from time to time, but I can't deny it was exciting. The Saints look especially scary. They killed the G-Men when we went down and played them in Nawlins during the season, and I have a feeling they will kill anyone who has to play them in the Superdome. But the rest of their games are likely to be on the road, so you never know.

Good win for the Texans too. I have no particular rooting interest in either Houston or Cincinnati, so I didn't much care how that game came out... but it occurs to me that somewhere in Dallas, Jerry Jones is probably making the pissy face at the thought of another Texas team being in the playoffs while his Cowboys are home. So that's good.

The Steeler/ Bronco game was pretty wild. Really thought that Denver had blown it there, but that overtime was a dagger in the heart. Tebow... what can I possibly say about Tebow that half a million talking heads on ESPN haven't said already? Three hundred yards passing on ten completions... it beggars understanding... but there you are. Somehow I suspect that Evil Little Bill had a role in this... I'm sure he'd much rather face Tebow than the Steelers D, as wounded as Pittsburgh was.

Of course, my favorite game was the big Giants win over Atlanta. They are weeping in the Vale, but rejoicing on the Wall. And hey, those were the REAL Giants, the ones who have been missing all season. Great swarming D and a smashmouth two-headed running game, that's what I've been waiting for. A shaky beginning, right up to the Atlanta safety, but after that it was complete NYG domination. Another great game by Eli. The Falcons clamped down on my man Victor Cruz pretty hard, but that was okay, Hakeem Nicks and Mario Manningham stepped up to take his place. Had to love that last play of the game too, when Osi sacked not only Matt Ryan but also the Atlanta left tackle, driving him back into his QB and tackling both of them.

Which means another trip to the Frozen Tundra next week. Shades of 2007. I hope it's forty below zero again, just like it was back then. Should be epic.

((Far be from me to complain, but the officiating sucked all weekend. The Broncos got robbed on that lateral. The Giants were the victim of at least three terrible calls. And the Lions were also screwed by the zebras. I suspect the results of all three games would have been the same in either case, but really, the refs should watch those premature whistles)).


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