Fond Memories of Spain

Mar 12, 2010 00:23

One thing I'm really really bad at is writing trip reports. I always have good intentions, especially when headed overseas, but whenever I get back from a long trip I find myself buried in emails, bills, snail mail, deadlines, and other pressing matters, and by the time I dig myself out from under it's time to get back to work.

I was sorting through some of my photos this evening, however, and I came across some pictures from our visit to Spain in 2008 that brought back some wonderful memories. The Spanish fans were really amazing, and the annual summer literary festival in Gijon, Semana Negra, is like no other event I've ever been to. If you ever get a chance to attend, do. Parris and I have been twice now, and I expect we'll be back again someday.

Meanwhile, although it's way too late to write a trip report, I thought I would share some of the pictures with you guys.

Here's a panel from Semana Negra. Me and Scott Bakker and Diego, the most amazing translator.

This was from a party that the Spanish fans threw for me in Gijon. Many of them were in costume. Herewith me and a mass o' Melisandres.

And here's Parris with the men of the Night's Watch:

Some of the men of the Night's Watch were actually women, of course. (Damn, why didn't I think to make Jon Snow a really cute girl?)

This one breaks my heart. It's me with the specially engraved sword that was presented to me by the members of the fan group Asshai.

Alas, this was one of the swords that was stolen when my office was burglarized last year.
Since it's engraved to me, I actually hoped the cops might be able to recover it, but of course not. If anyone ever sees a sword like this in a flea market or pawn shop... well, it won't be hard to recognize with the engraving...

There's lots more fond memories that I don't have pictures for... but Spain is an amazing place, and we WILL be back one day.

(Portugal was great as well. I'll post those pictures next).

travel, conventions

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