Mar 01, 2010 10:38
So... March is upon us. The month when HBO will announce its decision on A GAME OF THRONES.
(Yes, I know, I know, it is not actually the Ides until March 15, but the phrase is so fraught with drama I could not resist).
I have absolutely no idea whether "March" will translate to "early March" or "the end of March." The decision could be announced today, for all I know. Or maybe they will make us all wait until March 31. The Ides... well, maybe not. I don't know if I can wait another fifteen days, and anyway that date has ominous connotations. "Beware the Ides of March," and all that. So please let us know before that, HBO.
From the start of this, I've told myself, "Don't get too emotionally invested in this, or you will be devastated if it doesn't go." Wise words, those. I'm a smart guy.
But easier said than done. I've failed. I am totally emotionally invested, and if HBO does indeed decide to pass, for whatever reason, I will be gutted.
So let's all hope I am soon doing the happy dance instead.
a game of thrones,