More painting, more acquisition. More of everything!

Aug 20, 2008 02:13

i'm not really sure why i'm keeping all these empty paint tubes - they're building up around my desk like an ant's midden pile.  it's the sign of a healthy painting schedule, i guess!

this week is already proving to be much more relaxing than last week.  last week was full of the kind of days when i found myself doing work during every second of the day - whether i was working at the store, working for myself, or getting a package out to a client or for a deadline, i was working.  and working... and working.

starting on saturday i took the opportunity to organize more of my studio, this time doing ye olde fabric jettison to great effect (photos coming soon, because it probably won't stay this way for long).  and then monday night i started painting on my abstract scribble assignment:

yes, that's a blurry / dark photo of my right hand in action.  to the upper right you'll see the small color rough that i painted a few weeks ago, which was approved before i began this final paint.  the scribble sheet underneath the rough is called a "color spot," and that is done to lay out even color distribution throughout the work.  in the photo i'm laying in first coats of paint, one color at a time.  The gold color will certainly need a second color, but the blue was opaque and will only need to have a tiny touch-up.  tonight i finished laying in the black shapes and so all i'll need to add / finish are the details and drop shadows.  fun!  and much easier to paint than the last two.  i have had a reprieve.

i promise to try and find / take photos of the last portion of the session's work - those will be coming soon, time (ha!) and effort allowing.

after the above painting is completed, i'll be receiving another assignment - any wagers as to what that will be?  we've been collecting paper plates... wonder if that has something to do with it?!

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