Dec 06, 2012 09:34
There is such joy in writing! I was just writing to a friend and found myself likening the two approached to innovation as a way to look at life. Evolutionary vs disruptive. I never thought of it that way before - or perhaps I have, but simply never attached the words to it.
There are two kinds of innovation - evolutionary: the incremental improvements to something, or disruptive: the introduction of something completely novel. I feel like you're fixated on disruptive innovation: throw everything away and start anew. I'll admit its exciting to think of a brand new start. Yet what if you look at the fact you already have a pretty decent product and you just want to tweak some things and further evolve it?
Hmmm.. I'm not sure if this IS a good analogy since I think disruptive innovation IS more exciting, and rewarding if you nail it. It can just be risky in that you may end up cannibalizing your existing product and alienating your user base. [leaving the old you behind to run off to a mostly isolated country and live on the beach].