Wow. She LIVES on?!?!

Nov 19, 2010 07:52


I just haven't had an exciting life, unless you count some of the stuff that happens in dreams. No luck to speak of, one way or the other. Except...

My brother got married to a girl he'd been with for about a year, now, in Monterey. He's like, 28 now, so, you know. Its around that time for him to start that sense of needing a family and whatever or something. I'm sure. He got sent to Texas, to a base where there isn't really accommodations for family, and they never found a good place, the new wife(pregnant btw) went home. Her doctor was there and whatever anyhow. SO
I missed the drama part, where she and her family had some sort of blowout(possibly hormonal on her part OMG do I remember how awful pregnancy was)...

She's coming to live with my father. O.o

While M is in Texas in some podunk border town until Christmas, she's staying with my dad, his GF and her sons in his house. A bunch of people she has NEVER met. She was supposed to get in from the airport late last night. Holy. Crap.

I can NOT imagine what is going on. I hope she has a winter jacket, though, because its snowing, here. I'm calling my dad later, and will see about going to visit tomorrow. To meet her, to see about her needs, to just... wonder at. OMG, another female in the family that is not my mother or a girlfriend of my father's? Shocky.
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