Aug 12, 2009 00:58
I wish I could just get my shit together. I feel like a relatively stable, normal, adult individual but then these little bumps in the road just throw me off. This week I somehow managed to become overdrawn in two separate bank accounts. Both were for really stupid reasons. I cancelled my "membership" at the tanning salon and I thought they had said that I would no longer be billed, but it says right on the cancellation notice I signed and retained a copy of that I would be billed for another month because I didn't give notice by the 25th (for the record, it was the 26th when I went in). ANYWAY, I had about $2 in that account because I've been about to close it for a month now and my direct deposits from work no longer go into that account - so of course it overdrew. Weirdly, I went in and paid the amount I owed plus their $35 fee and then closed my account - but even though I was closing my account they still refunded me the $35 because I came in and paid it so promptly. So that was nice.
Then today I went to go check my new account just purely as a matter of course - and found I had overdrawn there, too. Again for a stupid reason - I forgot about a check I had written for my student loan payment earlier in the month so it went through when I didn't have enough in there to cover it. But I had to ask Trevor if I could borrow $100 and I just borrowed $35 from my mom the other day to pay my brother for something he got to fix my camera for me. And I just find it really annoying that I'm still at this place - this borrowing money, this overdrawn bank accounts, this constantly struggling place. And I don't pay my own cell phone bill or my car insurance, and Trevor buys almost all the groceries and pays for the cable & internet - and I just feel so...dependent.
My new years resolution this year was to become completely self-sufficient by the end of the year. It's August and my life is still like this. I'm getting really concerned that I won't quite make my self-imposed deadline. I need to shop for cheaper car insurance - my dad may be happy to be $110/month but I'm not. I just have to find the money for the cell-phone bill somewhere, make room for it. I'm trying to cook more and bring lunch to work more and I'm going to be cutting back on coffee purchases while at work, too - so hopefully that will give me some space in the budget. All of this and I'm trying to start saving money, too.
I guess I'm just feeling kind of sorry for myself right now, and I just need to pull together a more can-do attitude. I still think I can turn this around, I might still be able to make it happen by the end of the year. I'm going to try, anyway.
I just want to be an adult already though. Like, are we there yet?