a whole lot of drivel

Mar 25, 2006 20:10

i'm currently watching Signs on tv....i've seen it about half a million times, but that's ok.....the soundtrack on the tv is kinda screwed up though....it's weird...the sound on my downloaded, for awards purposes only version is better.....not much is going down right now....i'm just enjoying my day off before i have to get back down to business....next week shouldn't be too bad though....my mom is coming in thursday morning to do some packing and cleaning for me...which is nice 'cause i don't know when i'd actually find the time to get it all done myself....all i have to do is get some boxes....matt has some that i just need to go and pick up.....why do i have to have so much stuff? i'm going to need like a billion boxes...grrrr....

die maschine was really busy last night but i wasn't feeling good...i was really tired and had an awful headache....so we bailed early....katie and krista did too....alans social was very much like it was last year, only they had some dj's and the music was significantly better.....i'm a little sore 'cause i slept kinda funny last night....i was so tired i just crashed.....

i went with matt today to make an appointment for his tattoo....he was really lucky and got one for tomorrow...i'm going to try really hard and make it there for 3:30, but i have a meeting at the university at 2 to finish the powerpoint for my evaluations presentation....i doubt i'm going to make it...but i'm going to try...i'm really excited for when snoopy comes out this summer so i can get another one....i'm going to be like that hundred year old woman with her entire body covered in tattoos...

for some reason i keep losing my earrings......well, it's actually because i'm too lazy to go and buy O-rings to keep them in place....i lost one of my bone earrings last week at the dm....i found one of my black spikes in the sofa this afternoon and the other one was under the bed.....as soon as i get off my ass and get some O-rings i'll be able to put my white plugs back in.....one of my metal CBR's keeps busting open....i have no idea where the bead went, so it's hanging rather precariously in my ear, just waiting to fall out and be lost forever as well......once i get some cash i'll be able to get something to replace the metal CBR's....all my other jewelry is black and white....then they can all match.....

the funniest thing happened tonight....matt and i were watching hard core logo and poko was on the sofa with us...he was just sort of scuttling around being cute like usual....i was keeping my eye on him just to make sure that he didn't do anything too naughty.....when suddenly, i saw his little butt go up in the air...i grabbed him as quick as i could, he mostly ended up peeing in my hand....but he left a big streak across matts pants....which matt didn't really notice until i told him that poko had peed on him.....i just about DIED laughing....even as i was cleaning up matts pants for him i was laughing soooo hard....it was funny.....i myself have never been peed on by any of my rodents, but bitey peed on nick once and now poko on matt......i keep wanting to spell poko with an L, like polko....but that's not right......

i have a few little boxes....maybe i should pack a few things tonight before i go to marlas....that is, if she remembers to call...we'll see.....

today when we went out for lunch, or rather, when i took jeff out for lunch, we were talking about my finger nails....he has an airbrush so he said he would see about trying to airbrush my nails next time i get them done...that would be way cool.....

anyhoo....off to hunt down some boxes....
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