Right, did they make Dark Shadows the movie in installments that ultimately equaled the length of the tv show? Because there are about 500 plot lines in there and only 2 of them are interesting.
Thankfully, no. I have no idea how faithful they were to the show, but I'm not about to sit through the reportedly interminable series to find out.
Why hasn't the creepy albino found a way to steal the villagers' pigmentation? Or did he not get any of the family magic?
Based on his unfortunate habit of revealing diabolic plans to their intended victims before waiting until there's no chance of them escaping, I'm going to assume he rides the short bus. Mentally and magically.
Having not read the rest of the entry yet, I'm team Thor-I-mean-Huntsman. Where can I get a bookbag with "Team Huntsman" on it? Why are there so many men in the world who are willing to fight over Kristen Stewart, especially when the Huntsman has Natalie Portman waiting for him back on Earth if he ever rebuilds that rainbow bridge or whatever? I am very much crossing my fandom wires.
My sister was too. I could personally take or leave Mr. Hemsworth, particularly in light of his hotter brother Gale in The Hunger Games.
I'm surprised the Lollipop Guild didn't protest this movie. I'm assuming that is the actual name for the group of Hollywood's Little People because they have a sense of humor about themselves and why not?
If this isn't a thing already, it definitely needs to be. Priceless!
This ending is just like the ending of The Man In The Iron Mask. Everyone gets what's coming to them, the kingdom's in safe hands, and the costumes are so interesting you forget to ask why in this movie set in France only one auxiliary actor has a French accent. What they both make me wonder is how good a king or queen a character who hasn't had proper political training and has had very little human contact beyond their technical kidnappers can be. Does that make sense? I'm so tired. I'm staying up all night trying to restore these iPhones. What I wish more than anything right now is that I'd sold my phone for $300 a month ago when it worked so I could buy a new phone and still have cash left over. Shit shit shit.
Hindsight is 20/20, blah blah blah. Why would you sell a working iPhone when you were happy with it? At least your phone still has resale value even broken. Can't say that about most Androids.
Ugh. Kids. Did they leave the theater ten minutes in to go get high, then come back and giggle frantically at every remaining second of the film? That's the absolute worst.
Nope. Too busy flirting. Could barely see the screen through the pheromones in the air. Ew.
Or, you know, the worst in annoying teenagers. Not the worst in movie going experiences. Was your friend watching Batman or some other movie? How terrifying!
He doesn't have the gift of gab like I do, so his posts were a lot of "fuck shit, shit, fuck me, damn...Batman sucks." I THINK he was in the actual theater based on his claim of seeing a cop shot right in front of his eyes, though how he knew it was a cop isn't clear.
Still, can you imagine how long the survivors will have nightmares? How long before they go to a movie again? (if ever) MSNBC had an interview with two survivors who were literally five feet from the gunman trying to squeeze under the theater seats to avoid being seen. They belly crawled over dead bodies to get to an exit. I have nightmares like this now with no real world experience to justify them.
Thankfully, no. I have no idea how faithful they were to the show, but I'm not about to sit through the reportedly interminable series to find out.
Why hasn't the creepy albino found a way to steal the villagers' pigmentation? Or did he not get any of the family magic?
Based on his unfortunate habit of revealing diabolic plans to their intended victims before waiting until there's no chance of them escaping, I'm going to assume he rides the short bus. Mentally and magically.
Having not read the rest of the entry yet, I'm team Thor-I-mean-Huntsman. Where can I get a bookbag with "Team Huntsman" on it? Why are there so many men in the world who are willing to fight over Kristen Stewart, especially when the Huntsman has Natalie Portman waiting for him back on Earth if he ever rebuilds that rainbow bridge or whatever? I am very much crossing my fandom wires.
My sister was too. I could personally take or leave Mr. Hemsworth, particularly in light of his hotter brother Gale in The Hunger Games.
I'm surprised the Lollipop Guild didn't protest this movie. I'm assuming that is the actual name for the group of Hollywood's Little People because they have a sense of humor about themselves and why not?
If this isn't a thing already, it definitely needs to be. Priceless!
This ending is just like the ending of The Man In The Iron Mask. Everyone gets what's coming to them, the kingdom's in safe hands, and the costumes are so interesting you forget to ask why in this movie set in France only one auxiliary actor has a French accent. What they both make me wonder is how good a king or queen a character who hasn't had proper political training and has had very little human contact beyond their technical kidnappers can be. Does that make sense? I'm so tired. I'm staying up all night trying to restore these iPhones. What I wish more than anything right now is that I'd sold my phone for $300 a month ago when it worked so I could buy a new phone and still have cash left over. Shit shit shit.
Hindsight is 20/20, blah blah blah. Why would you sell a working iPhone when you were happy with it? At least your phone still has resale value even broken. Can't say that about most Androids.
Ugh. Kids. Did they leave the theater ten minutes in to go get high, then come back and giggle frantically at every remaining second of the film? That's the absolute worst.
Nope. Too busy flirting. Could barely see the screen through the pheromones in the air. Ew.
Or, you know, the worst in annoying teenagers. Not the worst in movie going experiences. Was your friend watching Batman or some other movie? How terrifying!
He doesn't have the gift of gab like I do, so his posts were a lot of "fuck shit, shit, fuck me, damn...Batman sucks." I THINK he was in the actual theater based on his claim of seeing a cop shot right in front of his eyes, though how he knew it was a cop isn't clear.
Still, can you imagine how long the survivors will have nightmares? How long before they go to a movie again? (if ever) MSNBC had an interview with two survivors who were literally five feet from the gunman trying to squeeze under the theater seats to avoid being seen. They belly crawled over dead bodies to get to an exit. I have nightmares like this now with no real world experience to justify them.
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