Yes indeedy (Tery has a Facebook friend who begins every post with "So....," an in medias res kind of thing. I say it's a sign of deep-seated insecurity, wanting to make sure she's got people's attention before speaking, but let's see if it works for me
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You know, I saw that Judge Judy awhile ago! I remember it so well, because man that woman had some balls to try to pull that off! I remember feeling especially gratified with how Judy put her in her place (wasn't she really, really smug? I can't remember, so many people are), not to mention that huge cash penalty. Judy ROCKS.
Yeah, the girl was really smug and I do love Judy. Mainly because she reminds me so much of my friend Donna. They look the same and they both take no shit.
That is really disappointing about the fees being paid by the show though.
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