Eywa wants all your money!!

Apr 25, 2010 14:01

Avatar came out on Blu-ray/DVD on Earth Day, in case you missed the hourly TV ads. I was stoked -- movies I like are NEVER released so soon, but I figured for a change the majority of the population shared my opinion.

I pre-ordered it on Amazon, in fact had finalized my order when I decided for ha-ha's to glance at some customer reviews. The very first one on the page was a 1-star with the dire warning in all caps AVOID THIS EDITION!!!!!!! It went on to explain how this was a no-frills release, literally only the theatrical version with no extras, in a greedy bid by the studio to tie in with Earth Day only to double dip with an "ultimate" 4-disc set in November -- then TRIPLE dip in 2011 with a 3D release.

I immediately canceled my order of course, because I'm dead set against double dipping, having been a victim more times than I care to mention. What drew me back to the review was the enormous number of comments on it -- like 100+, which is highly unusual for an Amazon review.

When I started reading those comments I found myself sucked into a raging shitstorm of a flame war. You'd think it was an open forum on decriminalizing pedophilia, it was that inflammatory and divisive.

About 30% of them were like me, politely expressing thanks at being informed of the later release (which you probably have not seen advertised anywhere). The other 70% were a very vocal bunch screaming about how they couldn't care less about bonus features, how they wanted to own the movie now and not wait for November, and all us bonus-loving freaks could shove our 4-disc set up our asses and go straight to hell. I mean it, you'd think we wanted to clone Hitler and make him president for life. Or force everyone to get one of them gay marriages.

Of course by now the November release is common knowledge, if you bother to Google (no mention of it on Amazon or any other retail site). What some comments seemed to suggest was that it was supposed to be secret, in the true spirit of the double dip, until it got leaked somehow. Then Fox and Cameron did some fast talking and claimed they wanted to put the whole movie on one disc, utilizing maximum disc space, to provide the absolute highest possible quality picture and sound for this release (sadly I can't find any Google documentation of these events, at least not in the first five hits which is only as far as I ever bother looking, or you'd better believe I'd be shoving it in the face of the screamers claiming it was never secret). The 3D delay makes more sense; supposedly waiting for more households to be able to afford the high-end 3D TVs required for the experience.

The 70% in the comments said seeing the movie in this first edition destined-to-become-legendary quality was more important than stupid bonus features so us 30% could just quit our whining. What amuses me is the thought that there's this segment of the population who evidently love the movie soooo much they want to see it in the highest possible quality, at the soonest possible time, but couldn't care less about how it was made or anything more beyond what they've already seen in the theater. "I love this movie but it's already 3 hours long (actually 2 hours and 40 minutes)!!!! Why the hell do you want a longer version???" Well I guess because I must love it more, sir.

Especially because it's Jim Cameron. I have to say, of all my DVD collection, the best commentary I've ever heard on any of them is Cameron and the cast and crew on Aliens. Most commentaries sort of peter out at the halfway mark as they run out of things to say, but on Aliens, even lacking Sigourney and Paul Reiser, the commentators provide a fascinating and funny mix of technical and personal anecdotes that kept me interested right up to the credits. I hope Avatar follows in its footsteps even half as much.

Meanwhile the 70% were getting almost comically hostile. "So this disc has JUST the movie?? Why do you people think you deserve anything more?!!!?" Like the DVD is government issue and we entitlement queens should be happy with what we get. Sorry, but I have a choice of what I spend my money on, and if studios want it the burden falls to them to make a product I want to buy.

Idiotically I tried to be the voice of reason and point out it wasn't a war over whether or not people should want bonus features on their DVDs, the reviewer was just trying to make people aware of the other options so they could make an informed decision. Do you think it made a bit of difference? I eventually had to unsubscribe to comment notifications because the stupidity and rage just kept on a'coming down the pike in a Biblical torrent.

Ironically the huge number of comments and "helpful" votes (last I checked, 2415 out of 2793 had quietly voted "helpful" rather than enter the fray) ensured it would continue to sit prominently on the front product page. Morons.

I was prepared to stick to my guns too, until Tery dragged me to Target for some sundries and I saw the actual Blu-ray on display. It didn't even hit me at that moment, but the next morning when I woke up suddenly November seemed like an eternity to wait. Not to mention Amazon had it for $24.99, which seemed exorbitant for a lackluster edition, but Target wanted only $19.99. Five dollars, it seems, is the going price these days for my principles. (Act now while supplies last!)

In fairness, it does look pretty fucking amazing on Blu-ray. Oddly the CGI creatures look phenomenal, more real than the humans. I'll just re-sell this copy in November, unless there's a holy-shit-what-a-difference difference, which I somehow doubt. What WILL send me over the edge would be if the November date was a red herring to boost sales now and the 4-disc comes out next month. THEN I'll be coming for you, Jimmy, Ripley style.

Since buying the disc, I've noticed how many things in my life are actually colored Na'vi blue. A small sample:

Source material

Tery assures me the movie motivated her choice in color

True for her bike too. And bedroom wall color

Na'vi credit card

Na'vi garbage. This comparison might miss one of the messages of the movie

Na'vi Schminky Mink : D

Nothing Na'vi here, I just interrupted Malcolm getting rabbit kicked by Logan


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