Well, as you can see my attempt to extract the trapped 8mm tape from the old camera didn't go quite as smoothly as I'd hoped:
Where's your resale value NOW?
Please note in particular the tape sitting safe as houses in the middle of the photo still tightly ensconced in the loader mechanism, despite giving it my all with a screwdriver, a nail clipper and finally, brute force. The latter had me feeling more than a little like a gorilla wrestling with a piece of Samsonite luggage. My icon is the best way I can depict my feelings after giving up, defeated by a 2 inch x 2 inch piece of metal.
Tonight and tomorrow Tery tells me I am to conduct "working interviews" on two prospective replacements for the full-time overnight position. I promise to do my best to not abuse my power...too much. And to wear a bra.