Apr 24, 2003 21:00
ah hahaha! i just can't get enough of you, journal! well...today was pretty interesting, let me tell you that. i got to see part of an english presentation on hamlet! whew-wee! talk about talent. that whole star wars theme was hilarious...and the ims! ah, they even used trogdor music--i'm so proud of you guys! :D hehe, brett gave me the silly clips that we made for the apush decade presentation last year. i should probably get him that trogdor sticker soon! ^_~
i ate the tastiest burrito for lunch today! kind of weird though; it was a combination of mexican (tortilla and hot sauce) and chinese (chicken, bell pepper, and onion--wok style)! mmmmm...that thing was yummy.
I HAD THE GREATEST CONVERSATION WITH MY FELLOW "PHIL"STER TODAY! ah hahhaha...and the whole thing was scrawled on paper during tok presentations. dude, that was awesome. you really made my day! ^_^
hehe, i also had fun at costco with my mom! haha, she sent me on a solo mission for the mission tortillas! i was like, "mo-oo-om (yeah, that's right, i said it in a whiny voice), what if i get lost?!" haha, i think i was only half joking about that...man, i'm too dependent for my liking.
after i got home, i was confronted with some (un)intended harshness! dude, talk about centrifuging my left ventricle. i guess we're not like this |--| after all! it was to be expected after creating all that exhaust, so there's nothing to do but be cool with it, which i am! ah hahaha, some things are so petty in life!
time to fetch the slippers of my beloved Mr. 80s b-list movie actor Man!
the hannah