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Some people would agree but o well. For everyones information yes this includes you Jenee. I did not change the date of my party so dont fucking tell people i told you that. I understand your mad at me (for no damn reason) but dont tell people that to try and make me look bad. If i invited u already yes i still want u there. so yea
ok, now my stupid cell phone wasnt charging, so it pissed me off since it had no battery at schol today and the battery ran out so damn fast! it stilll had 2 bars, and by third period it was down to one, then in 4th it was down to no bars. so fucking dumb! gah anywwhosies! uhm yea, im boyfriend less, o well its all good. there is no room in my closet, cuz its too damn small. hahaha I love you all. talk to you laters
O hey wait my P.S is my knee, i went to the docters today, and it is a torn minisucs, and they r gonna do an Mri Before surgery. which is good. then i have more Physical therapy every 2 weeks. freaking sux! o well. i love you all. talk to you later. Mwah!