Today, was probally one of the worst "school days" i've had all year. It all started off because i didnt make the yearbook staff. yea i sound like a loser, but i wouldnt be so bad if ALL MY FRIENDS DIDNT MAKE IT. seriously like everyone i know that tryed out (besides Anderson & Courtney) made it. fkcu it. thats a new word fkcu. yay i like. anyways. i wasnt sad at all. i was really really mad. because all my friends said i wrote a damn good essay (which took me a good hour to write). its all because of behavior. i dont really talk in class, my teachers just think i'm a b1tch. ;(
in chorus when i walked into the room Katlynn asked me WHY i didnt make it. wtf. no. yea like i'm supposed to know WHY, when i'm still trying to figure that out for myself.
the 2nd part of my day was that i have a D in math on the report card we get tomorrow. YES. A D. %@#$%@$@$@$#
how??? ugh. yea so ALL DAY i didnt say more then 5 words. to anyone. & normally i'm like all uosmr'gk to everyone. Aman wasnt here today either. she made yearbook. =)
i am so sick of school. seriously. i am OVER it. i dont even know why i go . i think the reason why i dont kill myself sometimes is because i have guard & my big sister. i hate saying that. really, i do.
jessieca is back!! <333 yayayayyayayayayy. she said there was ALOT of drama up in Dayton ;( aww
Bands that are NOT punk rock
people seem to screw this up a lot
first ill narrow it down the easiest way
1)anything that has been on MTV and/or if MTV made them *popular*
2)if they cry in a song
3)if they sing about girls that dumped them
4)if the lead singer doesnt play an instrument
5)if none of their songs have distortion
6)if they make u cry
7)if their hypocrites(Good Charlott-Lifestyles of the rich and famous)
8)if all the songs are slow
9)if they dont curse at all. the band doesnt need to curse every other word
10)this one is a hard concept but if the band does actually follow suit it does not mean that the band is punk rock it might be alternative
LMAO. wtf. nice profile...seriously people need to freakin shut up about "punk rock" and whatever they are trying to claim. serisously some people are never satisfied. i'm just happy i can listen to whatever music i want