Оригинал взят у
marinni в
Ангел смерти и поцелуй смерти.Дыхание смерти.
Always and Never (detail) Pierre Hébert 19th century.
The Kiss of Death Statue at the Old Graveyard of Poblenou in Barcelona
Френды, большое спасибо, кто вчера написал. Пост попал в ТОП, там всегда полно идиотов и я его закрыла.
Эти картинки собрала давно.
Я не очень умею писать, но иногда это и не надо.
Поражает- как пластикой можно выразить все чувства:
горе и скорбь, спокойствие, и неотвратимость судьбы.
Здесь разные по уровню и стилю вещи, надеюсь- художники меня простят.
Извините, что не отредактировала, но как есть.
И еще: очень сильный контраст с нашими кладбищами, может- кто нибудь подскажет, почему у нас ставят оградки?
Разве покойнику нужен забор?
Angel in the old cemetery Bad Neuenahr, Rhineland-Palatinate.
St Mary Magdalene, Sherborne
Tomb of James Lennox Dutton by Richard Wetmancott the Elder, "Death Trampled by an Angel"
The Kiss of Death Statue at the Old Graveyard of Poblenou in Barcelona
The Kiss of Death (El Petó de la Mort in Catalan and El beso de la muerte in Spanish) dates back to 1930.
----------Angel of death sculpture----------
Death and the Sculptor also known as the Milmore Monument and The Angel of Death and the Young Sculptor
Forest Hills Cemetery, Jamaica Plains, Massachusetts.
created by sculptor Daniel Chester French. The work was commissioned to mark the grave in Forest Hills Cemetery in Jamaica Plain, Boston, Massachusetts, of the brothers Joseph (1841-1886), James and Martin Milmore (1844-1883).
Sherborne, Gloucestershire, last week and came across this fine sculpture in the parish church, The Guardian Angel Tramples Death Underfoot, a monument to the local squire and his wife.
It was created in 1791 by Richard Westmacott the Elder who founded a dynasty of sculptor
Das Geleit - Friedhof Cemetery Essen-Bredeney - Germany
Melaten Cemetery Кельн
Il Bacio della Morte
http://www.flickr.com/photos/missingiuggia/sets/72157622274618369/with/4828123077/ -------------Angel of Death--------------
The Death Angel
The Angel of Death
cemetery cleveland
nglewood Park Cemetery, circa 1910, Los Angeles
Milano,Cimitero Monumentale
Quae moerebat et dolebat
the Haserot bronze angel, created by Herman Matzen, and called by some, 'the Angel of Death
Cemetery Angel
East LA
Friedhof Rehalp Zürich
Embracing her Cross
Old St. Raymond's Cemetary
Angel Statue (L'Envol)
père lachaise
Rock Creek Cemetery, Arcing Angel
Angel on grave of Anne Simon in Rock Creek Cemetery, Washington DC. Sculpted in 1915 by the artist, Brenda Putnam.
Angel of Death - - Sydney Australia - Joss Carter
http://www.flickr.com/photos/jossbarnabycarter/3981402360/ ========================
http://www.flickr.com/groups/iseedeadpeople/pool/with/3981402360/http://www.flickr.com/groups/graveart/pool/with/3981402360/http://www.flickr.com/groups/1293246@N22/pool/with/3981402360/http://www.flickr.com/photos/jossbarnabycarter/3981402360/ https://www.google.ru/search?tbm=isch&hl=ru&source=hp&biw=1575&bih=865&q=angel+of+death+sculpture&gbv=2&oq=death+sculpture&aq=2mL&aqi=g-L1g-mL2&aql=&gs_nf=1&gs_l=img.1.2.0i19j0i5i19l2.8197.23245.0.25508. https://www.google.ru/search?tbm=isch&hl=ru&source=hp&biw=1575&bih=865&q=kiss+of+death&gbv=2&oq=kiss+of+&aq=1&aqi=g6g-S4&aql=&gs_nf=1&gs_l=img.1.1.0l6j0i24l4.6778.6778.0.13259.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=d5ae04331739ff1&biw=1575&bih=865