Year in Review - 2014

Dec 31, 2014 13:46

I had thought this year was somewhat uneventful, until I started reviewing FB, Twitter, my blog, LJ, etc.

1. What did you do in 2014 that you'd never done before?
Well not all of these were exactly fun things, but they were definitely learning experiences. Lived seven months without my husband in residence at our home - he was working out of state and I only saw him three times during that time period. And I faced some challenging health issues.

While neither of these things were fun, weirdly both of them turned out to have silver linings. Bob working out of state forced me to not rely on him as a crutch as much as I had gotten used to, so I became more self reliant. This is ironic because I've always considered myself self reliant. Then Bob was not here and I realized that, nope, I'm Bob-reliant.  lol.

As far as the health issues, some of been resolved for the good. Others are still in the works. But as a result of all of it, I've had so many medical tests that I now know that overall I'm actually quite healthy. The remaining health issue is still being diagnosed, but the good news is that most all of the scary stuff (cancers, etc.) have been ruled out and we are down to, let's call it inconvenient stuff. I'm awaiting the results of the recent medical test and assuming it comes back as positive (which we are actually hoping for as it's a benign, treatable, if inconvenient, thing), then I should actually come out of 2014 as healther than I have been in quite some time.  Due to the resolution of some of the health issues my health is already vastly improved.  Still got arthritis thought which plagues my days with pain, but even that has better attention due to my wonderful doctor.

One fun thing I did in 2014 that I've never done before - I signed up for the JIB 2015 convention in Rome for May.  Bob is coming with me, and we've also signed up for a 9 day tour of Italy and also plan on visiting Ireland. So for 3-4 weeks in May/June 2015, we will be traveling and enjoying ourselves.

2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions and will you make more for next year?
I kinda gave up New Year's resolutions years ago.  However, I believe I did resolve to pay more attention to my health and take better care of myself.  And not focus as much on work as I've always done. And I believe I can say that I have definitely been keeping to those resolutions. They will always be ongoing for me.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
*thinking*  Nope.   Don't think so.

4. Did anyone close to you die? Were there any notable deaths that impacted you?

No one close to me passed this year.  Thank goodness.  There was a death in our extended family that while it didn't impact me directly did impact someone close to me.

The passing of Robin Williams impacted me as it did so many.  Other 2014 deaths of note to me were... (click to enlarge)

5. What countries did you visit? What domestic travel did you do?
Countries:  Canada-Vancouver BC in August 2014 for Vancon 2014.  Including a beautiful day trip to Squamish, BC.  And an unexpected long detour through Seattle on our drive home.

  - Vegas in March with Bob for VegasCon 2014
  - Cannon Beach, Oregon in May with Bob.
  - Wahnatchee, Washington in early June to visit with Bob for a weekend. Beautiful drive through central Washington.
  - Minot, North Dakota for 4th of July to visit with Bob for a long weekend.
  - Dickinson, North Dakota for a week in October to visit with Bob. We took a fabulous drive through Theodore Roosevelt National Park.  Just beautiful.

This was not me traveling, but is notable to me as I felt I was with Tim on his 24-hour train trip to North Dakota in October to visit with Bob. I was on the phone with Tim throughout his experience.  And seeing him off at Portland's Union Station and being able to take photos of that wonderful building was also fun.  Tim took some wonderful photos of the train trip. (Click images to enlarge.)

6. What would you like to have in 2015 that you lacked in 2014?
I basically have everything I need.   But-Bob working back in state.  He will still be working out of state until at least May 2015.

7. What date or event from 2014 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Bob working out of state.  Not a date, per se.  But it had a huge impact on our lives. If you had asked me 3 months ago, I would have rated 2014 as one of my worst years. Now rather than calling it my worst, I would rate it up there with one of my most growth years.

Birgit visiting us in August for a couple of weeks. Including going with Teri & I to Vancon 2014. It was so wonderful seeing her again in person.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? What other notable events happened in 2014?
Resolution of some of those health issues. One of the most impactful was being diagnosed with a borderline dangerous vitamin D deficiency (VDD). This sounds so benign, but believe me the impacts of VDD are anything but benign. I've now been on Vit D supplements religiously for three months and the change in my health is amazing. It takes some time to recover from a long standing VDD so I've likely got 3-6 more months before I'm optimal, but I feel better than I have in YEARS. And while it's somewhat superficial, my hair loss has stopped and reversed. Last night I was looking at a photo of Bob and myself that was taken 3-4 years ago. I could tell just from looking at it and my hair that I had that VDD even back then. Given the symptoms I've been having for years, that was not surprising to me, except as an indication of how long I suffered for something that was so easily addressed.

My photographs on Flickr reached the 10 million views mark this year.  :)

I'm pretty proud of my photography this year. Both for some of the photography gigs and published photos, and growth in photography skill.  I took an unplanned 3-ish month photography hiatus at the end of the year due to the health issues.  I had more photos published in Fangasm's Fan Phenomena book.  I also took a very inspirational photography class with Art Wolfe in April.  I also resolved to use my Photography Blog more frequently this year, which I did making 58(!) blog posts this year (as compared to 29 posts in 2013).   I think I may do a Photograph Year in Review post on my blog as well.

I began a clutter purge early this year that has been ongoing and has resulted in a much decluttered living situation.

While this is not an achievement, it is notable to me. While helping my Mom with some organization in her place, we went through a box of old photos many of which I had never before seen.  This one candid early polaroid selfie of my Dad has been my FB profile pic ever since.

Being present at Vancon 2014 when Jensen tweeted for the first time was very fun. Actually being *IN* the photo Jared took to mark the occasion was priceless.

This resulted in one of my most viewed photos of the Js giggling while Jensen tweets. The photo received over 24K views and was added by Flickr in their daily "Explore" photo highlights.

In April I tweeted that #CasaErotica was worldwide trending on Twitter and Jared retweeted it! Kinda made my month. I am still getting retweets on that post to this day.

9. What was your biggest failure?
My inability to lose weight despite all attempts to do so. One not so great side effect of getting older, weight loss gets exponentially harder.

My re-attempt at doing a Photo-A-Day 365 Project lasted only about a month for 2014. Which is longer than previous years' attempts. I should try again in 2015, but my track record with this is so awful.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?

See #1 and #8 above.

11. What was the best thing you bought?

Our new, wonderful Bosch oven with gas stovetop. A thing of beauty, it is.

And I finally purchased a Canon 5D in April and I do not regret the expense at all. It is a truly wonderful piece of equipment.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
My husband Bob who continues to astound me even after 28 years.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Same answer as last year - just generally how people can treat each other badly.

14. Where did most of your money go?
Travel, home improvement, and paying off debt.

15. What did you get really excited about?
Seeing Bob in visits during his seven months of working out of state. And booking the Rome JIB Con and Italy Tour for 2015.

16. What song will always remind you of 2014?
I Choose You by Sara Bareilles.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you: Happier or sadder? Thinner or fatter? Richer or poorer?
Happier/Sadder?  Happier
Thinner/Fatter?   Fatter   :(
Richer/Poorer?  Richer.

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Photography. Drawing. Meditating. Walking.

20. How did you spend Christmas?
Bob came home for two weeks - which made it one of the best Christmas' ever.  We enjoyed our small family on Christmas morning. Both sides of our extended family came to our house on Christmas Day.   I spent Christmas Eve baking my traditional Christmas Bread and prepping for Christmas Day. We generally (with a few exceptions) do not exchange gifts between the extended families so there was very little "shopping stress" this year.

21. Did you fall in love in 2014?
Yup, more and more in love with my husband every day.

In January I discovered the diamond from my engagement ring had fallen out of it's setting and was lost. After my initial reaction, I figured I had Bob, the ring was not as important, so I placed the empty setting in my jewelry drawer. On Valentine's Day Bob got down on his knees and proposed while holding the ring with a new diamond in it.  <3

23. How many one-night stands?

With my husband. Ever day we are together.  :)

24. What was your favorite TV program?
I love Supernatural - but I guess it's no longer my one and only favorite. And I'm okay with that. Now it's in "good friend" status.  :)

I'm getting re-hooked on HGTV shows.  It's only been about a month - so that may go away once the "newness" goes away. I'm also very much enjoying "The 100" TV show.  And of course Game of Thrones, Orange is the New Black, and House of Cards.

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?

26. What was the best book you read?
"The Name of the Wind" and "The Wise Man's Fear" by Patrick Rothfuss.  I really loved these books.  I listened to them via Audiobooks on many of my trips to North Dakota and northern Washington to visit with Bob.  I was really looking forward to the release this year of the 3rd book in the series. But it turned out to be a somewhat different focused story and I didn't end up listening to it.

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Sara Bareilles.

image Click to view

And "I See Fire" by Ed Sheeran.

image Click to view

28. What did you want and get?
Bob for Christmas.  :)

29. What did you want and not get?
The only thing I wanted was Bob.  :)

30. What was your favorite film of this year?

I had a few movies I really enjoyed this year.
  - Guardians of the Galaxy.
  - I finally saw the first two Hunger Games movies.

We will be seeing the 2nd Hobbit movie on New Year's Day and I want to see Into The Woods and The Imitation Game in the next few weeks.

31. What did you do on your birthday?
I honestly do not remember.

32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Having Bob at home the entire year.

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2014?

Comfortable. As always. Bohemian-ish. Also as always.

34. What kept you sane?

The answer to this will always be Bob.

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I'm just going to keep my answer from last year:

"... my fandom-fatuation with Mr. Jensen Ackles continues.  ...  Having said that however, said fandom-fatuation has also matured in that while I continue to be astonished that someone like Jensen exists in RL (and despite my gushing herein), I no longer have the man on a pedestal.   Now he is a man I highly admire, but a human one that I can actually look in the eyes without losing brain cells (mostly).   My admiration for him is evolving to be like my admiration for Kim Manners.   Which is no small feat."

36. What political issue stirred you the most?

Same as last year. Marriage equality and universal health care.   Don't get me started.

37. Who did you miss?

38. Who was the best new person you met?
A new hire at work. Wonderful lady with a great outlook on life.

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learnt in 2014:
That I can survive without Bob. I would rather not, however.


rl, new year 2014, year in review, meme

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