Aug 03, 2014 18:31
I'm on a declutter campaign. Week #2. So far I've removed about 500 items from our house. And that's mostly just from the kitchen with some from the living room and master bedroom. More on this in another post.
Today I attacked some bookshelves. And I found my notebooks of SPN magazines, trading cards, and assorted other paraphernalia. I'm committed to this decluttering. I'm not looking at these any more. They are just gathering dust. So I'm SERIOUSLY considering donating them to one of three SPN-related charity organizations. Two of the three have already responded to me saying they would love them.
I could of course try to sell them. But I did some quick googling and there's a lot out there and the magazines are listed for about $20 a piece, and that's assuming they actually sell. I'm not one to go through a lot of hassle, even for a potential $20 a magazine. And yes I do have the first issues. And yes I know I could perhaps get more. And yes I do have the original trading card books and some piecework items. But I still don't think I care about trying to sell them, even if some are listed out there for $40 each.
I think I *should* declutter these from my life. They are only gathering dust. And if I donate to a combo of WinchesterBros (for Team Levi), SupportSPN (for that dog charity), and RandomActs, I would think they would do some good, plus end up in some other fans hands who can squee over them for a few years.
Am I crazy?
everything's spn,
spn magazine,
spn trading cards