The quickening of the Earth...

Feb 01, 2014 11:28

It wasn't until many years ago, after I started self-studying the very early and alternative spirituality/religions that I came to appreciate this weird, seemingly nonsensical thing we call Groundhog Day. Just another example of how the modern day, 1st world people's have separated themselves from the Earth. Groundhog day is a morphing of early celebrations of the fact that the Earth has begun to wake up from it's winter slumber. It's quickening, if you will. It's a celebration of the life to come and recognition of the work to come and the preparation to nuture that life. The bounty that the Earth gives us. "Midway between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. A celebration of home and hearth. Rich stews and porridges simmer in the pot. We tend the fires of our hearths and of our beings, our imaginings, gathering fuel to last the rest of winter. We begin to feel the Quickening, the stirring beneath the soil of seed and bulb."

Happy Imbolc, Birgid's Day, Candlemas, Groundhog Day to everyone.  :)  I for one, cannot wait for winter to loosen it's grip.


rl, spiritual journal 2014, imbolc, celebrations, holidays: 2014, groundhog day, spiritual journal

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