Burcon 2012 :: J2 Breakfast :: Jensen (Additional Photos)

Jan 19, 2013 17:41

Today I discovered these additional Jensen photos that I took at the J2 Breakfast at Burcon 2012.   I'm 90% convinced I haven't posted most, if not all of these previously.   I've been developing a workflow process for developing photos and based on my process, these photos likely were not included previously in any postings (but there might be some exceptions.)   These were likely excluded due to lack of focus, color balance (yikes! on some of these, which I still couldn't really fix), and/or I had others that were similar but better, or just too many photos in general.

In any case, these have been re-editted and gave me about an hour of pleasure today (along with another set I will be posting in a few moments.  The next set are definitely photos I think I've published before, but re-editted for better quality.)

For other photos from Burcon see here.


spn my cons, spn, spn con photos, spn cons, spn burcon 2012, spn jensen photos

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