Nov 15, 2012 17:33
...when I look at the People's Choice candidates and I don't even KNOW WHO three of the five choices for best movie actress are. And I barely know one of the two I do recognize. And the other one I that I do know of, I'm very "meh" about.
Then I go to the next category which is Favorite Move Icon and I not only KNOW ALL OF THEM, but love all of them and could not choose between them at all. And of course all of the them are over a certain age - which does make them any less awesome of course - but obviously shows my age.
*whatever* *owns it*
Edit: Update - why is it not possible to VOTE AGAINST some of these? As I'm moving into other categories there are several people and/or movies/shows that so DO NOT deserve awards. Obviously quality does not matter so much any more. *get off my lawn!* hehe.
like a vintage wine,
peoples choice awards