Vancon 2013 :: Karaoke (3/3) (link to over 300 photos)

Sep 30, 2012 14:29

So I may have taken a whole lotta photos at Karaoke.   My daughter helped out as well as I was not feeling well that night.   There are way too many to decided which to post directly here or to post all of them.  So I've decided to just link to the Flickr album where they all are.

Oh what the heck, I'll post some here with the link to the remainder at the bottom of this post.

(click any photo to enlarge)

A whole lotta singing & dancing going on at this Flickr album here.

(edit:  and here's the slideshow view in Flicker-same photos)

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spn my cons, spn, spn con photos, spn cons, spn karaoke photos, spn vancon 2012

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