Meta on Slash--"Normal Female Interest in Men Bonking"

May 04, 2008 13:56

I really do not remember how I got to this meta.  I'm sure it was linked from someone's LJ.  I have this habit of opening tabs for later reading and before I know it I have 50+ tabs that have been opened over a 3-week period of time and there's no way I can remember how I happened to open any one tab.

I'm a whore for meta.  (hee!  Side-note:  This is what I love about fandom.  I'm what is known as a "nice girl."  Well behaved, etc.   But in this "world" I can say what I feel and think freely.  Including calling myself a whore.  I like that.)    ahem.  Sorry, now back to my original post..

As I said, I'm a whore for meta.  I just love thinky thoughts about my various shows.  And then when I find a meta on fandom itself, or on culture convergence, or on how media impacts culture or vice versa, or (and this is the best) a meta on slash -- it's like I'm in heaven.

I found Henry Jenkins through fandom, of course, and LJ couple of years ago.  When I followed a link to this:  "Normal Female Interest in Men Bonking" I found myself at a post by Henry and Cynthia Jenkins on gender and sexuality.  And that title?  I mean HOW am I supposed to resist reading something titled like that?

I found this fascinating.  Especially once you get through the academically-oriented introduction.  You get to a series of quoted excerpts from women about slash.  A lot of the "reasons behind slash" that we've all heard before are covered--but the way they are presented and, to me, the diversity of opinion was very interesting.


(UPDATE!  Found how I got to this.  It was a post by
wneleh  here.)

(2nd UPDATE:  Wow.  Just looked at the vid that caused
wneleh  to post in the first place.  It's by
thingswithwings  and it really is amazing.  Inspired by Jenkin's description of slash as being what happens when you "take away the glass."  See
thingswithwings   post with her vid here.   You *really* should watch it to see a great visualization of slashy moments from multiple fandoms.  I hadn't realized how many similar "through the glass" moments there were.  And a lot from my fandoms.  (Very angtsy and painful moments too)


And on a very different topic.  I can't stop staring at this picture of Jared this morning  I know everyone's all ga-ga about *THE* photo of him in the wife beater in front of the car--but it seems so airbrushed to me that it's not that real to me.  This photo however just draws me in.  It's his face (of course the arms and (omg I can't believe I'm about to say this) the arm pits don't hurt either!)  Ahem..... But the look on his face?  I just stare and stare at it.  I blush to say that I'm developing quite a reportoire(sp?)  of daydreams about what his thoughts are behind that expression.

meta, henry jenkins, slash, actor: jared 2008, actor: jared, daydreams

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