Vancon 2010 :: J2 Panel (part 1)

Aug 31, 2010 18:53

Vancon 2010 :: J2 Panel
(part 1)

These photos are not in any particular order.  Nor are these all of them.  I'm randomly going through the photos picking out ones that I think I can save.  The lighting at the J2 panel was really hard to photograph.  At one point I went up to the guy setting up the lights to tell him they were way too bright.  At first I thought he ignored me.  Then he brought out a set of filters and ended up putting up a pink filter.  At first I thought that would be okay.  But nope.   It might have been if they'd had cut the light output by about 50%.  *sighs*

At one point the boys commented on how hot and bright the lights were and polled the audience, via applause, to see if we preferred them off or on.   *sighs*   I couldn't decide between no lights or those bright lights.  If they'd only just removed about half of them.  Or better, dimmed them.   *sighs*

Oh well.  It is what it is.

(click any of these to enlarge)

(link to next set of J2 Panel photos)

spn my cons, spn, spn vancon 2010, spn cons

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