Vancon 2010 :: Jared and Jensen Re-design Misha

Aug 30, 2010 21:49

My first J2 Vancon story is actually the end of the J2 panel.   Misha was an oft subject on the J2 Q&A.   Frequently someone would reference something Misha said or did during his panel.  Like Misha wearing his jacket on inside-out during all of his Photo Ops and not realizing it until he was on stage for his panel.  Or sitting on his water bottle during his panel and ending up with a large water mark on rear-end of his jeans (well a little lower; I've pictures, but will be uploading them later.)

At one point Jensen, replied to all this information by saying "It's all too easy!"  Meaning it was giving them way too much easy material to raze Misha with.

At the end of the panels the guests are asked to sign the four banners on either side of the stage.  Read on...

(click to enlarge any of these)

above :: Jensen went first and started by "re-designing" Misha's face on the first banner.

above :: if I have the energy to figure it out later I may just create my first ever gif.   I've enough of these images in quick succession that I bet I could create a gif of them.

above :: for some totally-unknown-to-me reason I didn't even initially notice Jensen doing this!  I clued in slightly late (even though I was taking photos of it!)   So I assume he did the eye-liner and then colored in Misha's lips.

above :: I'm not sure if Jared did the scar, although I suspect he did.  And I'm not totally sure what he's doing to Misha's nose.  Coloring in this nostrils???

above :: This is a lousy photo of course, but it's the only one I have of the moment Jared turned around and mouthed the words he'd just written next to Misha's face, "I'm dumb!!"

above :: Jared looking somewhat smug.

above :: The end result.   As I said up above, the Js and Misha all seem to enjoy razing each other quite a bit.  All in good fun.

At Misha's panel on Saturday he recounted the story of Jared sending him birthday greatings via texting one letter at a time to Misha on his phone early one morning.  Then Jared recounted at the J2 breakfast a similar (or the same???) story of Jared texting Misha a letter-at-a-time txt sent from Misha's phone to Jared's phone after Misha left his phone unattended on set one day.   Jensen said Misha called it "instant karma" when Jared realized that while sending from Misha's phone cost 50 cents a txt, receiving those txts on Jared's phone cost Jared 25 cents a txt.   Honestly, all the txting prank stories were somewhat confusing!   Jared also tried to call China on Misha's phone and was running around the set asking people how to call China.  When they asked why, he just said, "Nevermind! I just have to call China!"  (using Misha's phone.)

Jensen said if Jared was a cat, then Misha would be a ball of string.  Jensen said that Misha hadn't yet figured out how to not react to Jared (like Jensen says he himself no longer reacts.)   "Misha hasn't figured it out yet," Jensen said, "and Jared just loves that!" (or something like that.)

Misha's panel was terrific.  That man can certainly hold his own in this fandom.   He had us laughing so hard!   I love how he can give as hard as he gets.   I think he was really enjoying himself.


spn misha photos, spn, spn con photos, spn vancon 2010, spn cons, spn my cons, spn jared photos, spn jensen photos

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