More from
wolfpup2000 . I had fun with these.
Click any of these to enlarge.
Update: I had to go back to one of the
Jared ones I'd done yesterday to add this...
Update: These are not the photos I used for the work above. But they are from the same set. I just need to flag these somewhere because I need to circle back and do something with these as well.
And random.... just for the record? So envious of our fellow fans in Rome right now. Are you seeing the vids and images coming from there? The boys are gorgeous. And it looks like everyone is having such a great time. I loved Jim's recent FB post about it: "If this Supernatural stuff had happened when I was younger, I'd have made out like a bandit at these gigs! I might have been too callow to appreciate the opportunities, but I'd have been able to act on them! If I were 30-something, I'd have been betrothed about 50 times already this weekend! I've never experienced such a wave of affection. Or temptation."
And then this from yesterday "Met a zillion European fans (and a few Americans & Australians) today. I have so much fun with these people. Maybe it's having hundreds of beautiful women tell me I'm wonderful. Or maybe it's merely something shallow and self-absorbed on my part."
I lent his book to my Mom the other day. She thought it was wonderful. I was telling her that everyone who meets Jim in person and/or gets to know him online or through his book--just is so impressed with him.
I should just post a whole bunch of Jim and Misha tweets from them about the past two cons. So different from each other, yet so terrific. How lucky are we that Show has so many wonderful/nice/entertaining people working on it?