VanCon Autograph Photos

Aug 01, 2009 20:15

VanCon 2009
(link to VanCon 2009 Master Post)

I did some special themed autograph photos for LA Con 2009 for all the guests to sign.  I wanted to do the same again for the VanCon 2009 and came up with an Angels & Demons theme.  I found some great stock photos of graveyard and architecture stone statues of angles and demons/Lucifer and worked them into a background I built in Photoshop.  I'm very happy with the overall look and feel.

00 - Angels and Demons Background

01 - Sam


02 - Sam & Dean

Sam & Dean

Above:  I was going to have the boys sign either the individual images or the combined one.  But I finally decided to have them sign my photo op from ChiCon 2008.  (I posted about having them sign it here.)

03 - Dean


04 - Bobby


Above:  Jim was so sweet when he was signing autographs.  I posted about it here.

05 - The Ghostfacers

Ghostfacers version 1 (without Ghostfacer logo)

Ghostfacer version 2 (with Ghostfacer logo)

Above:  The signed version.

06 - Jo


Above:  The signed verison.  I posted about the signing here.

07 - Anna


I ended up not getting a signed version for Julie/Anna.  It was not included in my ticket cost and I already had an autograph for her from ChiCon 2008.  If I attend another con that she's at, I will likely have her sign this so I can have a full set.

08 - Jake


Above:  The signed version.

09 - Andy


Above:  The signed version.  Gabe was, as usual, very adorable.   I posted about the signing here.

10 - Adam


Above:  The signed version.  I posted about the signing here.

11 - Castiel

Castiel version #2

Above:  The signed version.

12 - Pamela

8/24/09 - Creation announced Traci as a guest.  Glad I already did one for her

I ended up not getting a signed version for Traci/Pamela.  It was not included in my ticket cost.  If I attend another con that she's at, I will likely have her sign this so I can have a full set.

13 - The Trickster

Above:  8/24/09 - Creation announced Richard as a guest.

I ended up not getting a signed version for Richard/The Trickster.  It was not included in my ticket cost and I already had autographs from Richard from previous cons.  If I attend another con that he's at, I will likely have her sign this so I can have a full set.

spn my cons, spn, spn vanc con 2009, spn cons

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