A new diet of happiness and creativity...

Feb 02, 2009 11:51

 I'm getting RSS feeds from "Our Lady of Weight Loss".  Found this in my email notifications today.  It really appealed to me:

"OLofWL is very interested in re-defining 'diet' as a regime that moves us away from feelings of deprivation, defeat and depression (our past association to the word diet); and rather a regime that moves us toward happiness!

She is therefore suggesting a daily diet consisting of: happiness, creativity, self-love, and positive energy and that we feed our minds, spirit, and sense of play. That's right!

We can follow The Happiness Diet and have our daily intake of happiness. Happiness includes (but is not limited to) talking to friends, enjoying a walk around the park, deep breaths of fresh air, buying flowers and arranging them in five vases around the living room!

Our Lady of Weight Loss wants to know ...
What would you like to fill up on? What would you like to experience repeatedly? What new definition would you to give the word "diet?"

DIET: from the Our Lady of Weight Loss Dictionary
"Something that you experiences repeatedly that fills you up in the best sense ... with non-food related items! For example: The Happiness Diet consists of daily platterfuls of beautiful morning skies, Mozart and/or John Lennon, dishy conversations with good friends, hugs, kisses, and cozy slippers.
Spread the word ... NOT the icing!

[Emphasis added by me]

X-posted to both my LJs.

gratitude journal: 2009, happiness, gratitude journal

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