(no subject)

Jul 11, 2010 09:44

Stolen from OZMA

One True Pairing Ship: Ron and Hermione. It was like seeing little versions of Stacy and I go at it over the silliest things. I wanted to just grab Ron and just tell him "Count to ten before you say anything, you little dumbass,". How people didn't see this is beyond me.

Second Favorite Ship: James and Lily how can you not love the combination of a maturing James and Lily who's lightening up some.

Third Favorite Ship: Either George and Luna or Harry and Ron.

Canon Ship: Ron/Hemione.

"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" Ship: For me it is Harry/Hermione, only because of how she mothered him so it'd be like Ron/Ginny. I also knew when I read the books that Hermione was not going to end up with a Death Eater so that influenced how I see this.

Guilty Pleasure Ship: Harry/Ginny/Luna This is the only trio I can even imagine working. Harry is kind of passive to Ginny's aggressive, both of them are kind of left of center and Luna's well...Luna.

"I dabble a little" Ship: Charlie/Lavender. I think Charlie would find Lavender's scars appealing and he'd respect her ability to overcome. Plus I think we all know Charlie's a boob man.

"It's like a car crash" Ship: George/Angelina maybe? It is kind of creepy.

"Tickles my fancy but not sold just yet" Ship: Rolf and Luna, not much fic and almost always a side pairing but Luna's crush on Ron made me love her a little and her Quidditch commentary made me love her a lot.

"Makes no canon sense but why the hell not" Ship: Harry/Luna, after OOTP I really liked the pairing even though I was pretty sure Ginny would win the day. I also thought it would be ironic if Harry ended up with a girl who first liked Ron because so many people thought the reverse.

"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" Ship: Ron or Hermione with anybody else. I mean seriously did they ever really see anybody but each other the entire series. Even when Ron was snogging Lav Lav he was looking at Hermione.

"When all is said and done" Ship: Ron and Hermione.
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