[Fandom] Giving up

Apr 01, 2010 14:18

I've decided to give up on writing pretty much all together. I mean, I don't even really ship Cloud and Sephiroth together anymore, particularly since the creators confirmed Cloud and Tifa as a couple... Scars just isn't working out and I feel rather 'meh' with the whole fandom to be honest. It's full of stinking fanbrats.

more on my disillusionment )

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Flowers > Reno's Safety and Rufus is a Moogle Dictator grownupneko April 1 2010, 15:57:53 UTC
“I know you,” Cloud said suddenly. Reno immediately took a step back, narrowly missing a punch that would likely have cracked his skull. “That uniform...”

Reno cursed and hit the switch on his baton. A high-pitched whining sound came to his ears and the unique smell of burning ozone drafted through the church. There was no way in hell that he was going down without a fight.

“What the fuck happened to him, Sis?” Reno yelled as he quickly side-stepped another blow. He caught Cloud with his baton but despite briefly twitching where he stood, it had no other effect on the man.

“Shut up you Shinra spy!” Cloud replied. Reno scowled. This is a parallel universe. I'm pretty sure if I walk out of this Church I'm going to find a Midgar that's brimming with daisies and chocobos and that Rufus has turned into a Moogle dictator or something...

“Shit, Strife, I don't want to fight you,” Reno did his best to continue to dodge the blows but eventually he felt his back foot hitting against one of the pews. Distracted by the lack of space he caught a blow to the side of the head that send him sprawling across the floor, coming to rest at Aerith's feet in front of the flowerbed.

“Don't fight here! You'll ruin the flowers!” Well, gee, thanks Aerith. The flowers must be so much more important than stopping a psychotic ex-Turk from committing homicide.


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